Laboratory digital indicator is a programmable instrument for the treatment of signals from strain gauge full bridge transducers, that allows the measurement of forces, mass, pressure, torque moments and displacements. It has been designed to be used in the most modern systems of static and dynamic measurement of high precision, such as metrology laboratories, materials testing machines, test benches or test etc. … It is ideal to be used as first-line standard, if periodically certified by calibration laboratories or equivalent centers (ACCREDIA in Italy). MP10 has an accuracy of 0.0010% or 0.0020%, 24-bit internal resolution and combines a resolution (with signal ± 2 mV/V) of    ± 2.000.000 divisions in the K2 version (± 200.000 divisions in the standard version). DATA LOGGER inside

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Main features are: Graphic display of large size and high resolution with the ability to change the contrast by program Resolution ±2.000.000 divisions (K2 Version) or ±200.000 divisions (Standard Version). Acquisition frequency from 2.5Hz to 4800Hz Type of transducers that can be managed: Force, Weight, Pressure, Torque and Displacement Selection of numerous units of measurement for each of the type of transducer and with the measurement in mV/V and in Divisions Internal Data logger by using an non-volatile memory that can store up to 130,000 measurement points at a maximum speed of 4800 points for second External Data Logger that uses a usual USB Flash Memory for easy portability of data to a PC Infrared remote control (optional) for remote functionality (eg manual recordings, ZERO function, HOLD function, etc.) ZERO, HOLD and PEAK functions. Clock-Calendar function with date and time 24 column Printer (option) connected to the serial port through which you can print out the measurement points with the indication of the company data that performed the measurement. Auto-calibration function, programmable by the user, to minimize errors in temperature of the amplification chain and the A / D converter (reference for a guaranteed change of 1ppm / ° C). Internal reference Channel for the verification and control of the consistency of the measurements USB communication port through which you can transfer the measures in real time to a PC at the maximum possible speed (4800Hz) RS232 Serial communication port


Calibratio Report in mV/V

ACCREDIA certificate MP10+ sensor

REMOTE CONTROL Programmable remote control allows to perform some functions remotely : ZEROHOLDPRINT and RECORD of a Data logger point manually (both in the internal that on a external Flash memory).

Flash MEMORY connector (on the front panel) allows you to copy in a very fast way data logger cycle on a PC. It is possible to create file in .bin format (for max speed and size) or as .CSV file format for a direct export of data on spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel

External 24 column Printer. It is possible to print a report header (as 3 rows of free text) and measures pressing or the PRINT Key on the front panel or using the REMOTE CONTROL (option) You can print both on paper and on adhesive labels

Case for transport

WinMP10 A dedicated program that allows an immediate interfacing through the USB port with the MP10 and allows you to view graphs, export data to Microsoft Excel directly from the PC and set all configuration parameters. The program also allows you to download a Data Logger carried out using the internal memory or the USB Flash Memory  and display the respective curves of acquisition.

Serial cable RS232 USB cable


Data sheet MP10plus
Data sheet WinMP10
USB Driver MP10plus
EAC Certificate

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