DIN43700 case.
Graphical, large and high resolution LCD display with backlit.
Automatic UNIT CONVERSIONS in many specific units for each type of transducers.
Function MULTIMETER which displays the signal of the sensor directly in mV/V, V or mA.
User selectable language : ITALIAN or ENGLISH.
Function ZERO and AUTOZERO to reset automatically the measure if the measurement is below a set threshold.
Function COUNTING to define the number of pieces on the scale.
Function of HOLD, PEAK, programmable FILTER.
Function of DISCHARGE in order to measure the amount of product discharged for example from a tank.
Function TOTAL to perform the sum of channels CH1 and CH2.
Function KEY LOCK to protect the instrument settings by unauthorized persons.
Function CLOCK-CALENDAR (Option) with date and time.
24 columns PRINTER (option) connected to the serial port through which it is possible to print the measuring points with the date and time and the data of the company that carried out the survey.
REPEATER Function: The instrument can be configured to display (in the form passive as Slave) measures from the RS232 serial port (for example from another MP2Plus – Master) to a remote view of the measures.
In this case all the features enabled on the MP2Plus Slave will be active (Setpoint, USB, printer, logger etc). The REPEATER function is active for one channel.
For each input channel, you can calibrate the signal coming from the sensor both in the POSITIVE RANGE and in the NEGATIVE RANGE (Example in tension and compression) through 3 different modes:
Calibration with Full Scale: characterization through the programming of the transducer full scale and sensitivity in both the positive and negative range.
Calibration for POINTS: linearity correction by programming 5 known points in both the positive and negative range.
Known Weight: practice characterization (in the field) by imposing a known weight, pressure, torque to the sensor and calibrating the transducer output to this reference value.
Additional input channel CH2 with a synchronization system that allows to acquire at the same instant the measurement of CH1 and CH2 channels.
One or two Analog Outputs programmable as voltage (± 10V, 0/5V, 0/10V, ±5V) or current (4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-24mA) that can be associated to different channels or to the TOTAL (sum of two channels).
A serial RS232 line to directly connect the device to a PC, PLC or a serial PRINTER. Moreover MP2Plus can be programmed to work as REPEATER.
A serial RS485 line with protocol MODBUS RTU normally used to connect multiple instruments in a same network to a PLC.
WIRELESS transmission designed to transmit measurements to other devices by radio at a distance up to 100m.
A powerful DATALOGGER with non-volatile memory, which allows to store data at the maximum acquisition speed, synchronize recordings with an internal clock-calendar and eventually export data to a file using an USB stick in .csv file format that can be transferred directly to Microsoft Excel.
A dedicated program that allows an immediate interfacing through the USB port with the MP2Plus and allows you to view graphs, export data to Microsoft Excel directly from the PC and set all configuration parameters.
The program also allows you to download a Data Logger carried out using the internal memory or the USB Flash Memory and display the respective curves of acquisition.
MP2PLUS with 1 and 2 tank