The transmitter makes simple and cheap the remote transmission of the value sampled from strain gauges load cells, torque transducers, etc.. to PLC, PC, recorders, etc… The possibility of internally performing the parallel of the load cells simplifies the system wiring because it does not require the use of any junction box. TA5F is available in two versions: with an hermetic case made of die-cast aluminium (IP65 protection class) or in a plastic case for the mounting on a DIN bar (suitable for control panels). The transmitter has a maxim resolution of ±200.000 divisions, it is ideal for directly connecting the point/site of the measurement to a remote control station, the high conversion speed (up to 300Hz) makes it suitable also for application in real-time. The transmitter is internally controlled by a microcontroller in Flash technology which first processes the data coming from the ratiometric AD converter and then manages the serial communication. The transmitter can work as Slave (it transmits the value only on request) or as Master (it transmits the value continuously). Outputi: RS232C and RS485 Modbus 

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Through the serial output it is possible to set the TA5F parameters such as: the Full Scale, the measurement resolution, the filter, the system tare suppression, the input sensibility from 1mV to 3mV, etc..
The serial output is optoinsulated, it can be RS232 or RS485 multipoint (it connects in a net up to 32 units at a distance of 1200m); the choice of the system communication happens through dip-switch.
Thank to the Flash technology are possible software up-grade or software releases also after the acquisition.
On request the transmitter can have the following features :
Case for a 35mm DIN bar.
Modbus RTU protocol.



Pack of No. 3 metal fairleads


Data sheet TA5F
EAC Certificate

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