AEP transducers boasts a well-established presence on the market for the designing, the manufacture and the production of Load cells, Force transducers, Torque transducers, Displacement transducers, Pressure transducers and transmitters, Digital pressure gauges, Dynamometers, Electronic instrumentation and Application software.
With over 40 experience in the field of weight, force, pressure, torque and displacement, its products are by this time synonymous of quality and reliability to 100%.
With over 40 experience in the field of weight, force, pressure, torque and displacement, its products are by this time synonymous of quality and reliability to 100%.

Load cells presently manufactured by AEP transducers are included in the requisites of OIML R60 regulations (International Organization of Legal Metrology) which establishes all the tests (temperature, moisture, barometric pressure, etc...) to be passed by the product in order to be included in certain precision classes C2, C3, C4…
To ensure these requisites, AEP transducers has developed inside itself some direct-weight automatic equipment which were accredited by ACCREDIA in 1996 for model control according to this regulation. Load cells are periodically checked by Metrological Laboratory personnel who performs constant tests on series production, with an always careful view to the product continuous improvement. Thanks to technical staff know-how,all the procedures to perform model approval for legal uses are being activated by autorithies in control.
To ensure these requisites, AEP transducers has developed inside itself some direct-weight automatic equipment which were accredited by ACCREDIA in 1996 for model control according to this regulation. Load cells are periodically checked by Metrological Laboratory personnel who performs constant tests on series production, with an always careful view to the product continuous improvement. Thanks to technical staff know-how,all the procedures to perform model approval for legal uses are being activated by autorithies in control.

Design and production of digital pressure gauges with ranges from 100 mbar up to 3000 bar
Precision classes from 0.5% up to 0.05%
available with high resolutions
Internal batteries
High reliability
Precision classes from 0.5% up to 0.05%
available with high resolutions
Internal batteries
High reliability

Design and production of dynamometers with nominal loads from 100kg to 100 tons.
Accuracy classes 0.05% and 0.20%.
Versions for COMPRESSION and TENSION applications.
Very easy to use.
Accuracy classes 0.05% and 0.20%.
Versions for COMPRESSION and TENSION applications.
Very easy to use.

Design and production of electronic instrumentation for measurements of weight, strength, force, torque and displacement.
Realized for industrial applications, weighing systems, calibration laboratories, testing laboratories, research laboratories etc ...
Realized for industrial applications, weighing systems, calibration laboratories, testing laboratories, research laboratories etc ...

Designing and production of STATIC and ROTATING torque transducers according to the norms EA 10-1
Ranges from 0.5 N·m up to 5000 N·m
Precision classes from 0.03% up to 0.20%
Analog and Digital Output: 2mV/V, ±10Volt and USB
Versions with reading ANGLE and SPEED integrated
Ranges from 0.5 N·m up to 5000 N·m
Precision classes from 0.03% up to 0.20%
Analog and Digital Output: 2mV/V, ±10Volt and USB
Versions with reading ANGLE and SPEED integrated

Designing and production of force transducers according to the norms ISO 376 and ASTM E74.
Nominal loads from 50N up to 5MN.
Classes 00, 0.5 and 1
Applications in Compression and Tension.
On request is possible tu have the transducers complete of ACCREDIA Certificate.
Nominal loads from 50N up to 5MN.
Classes 00, 0.5 and 1
Applications in Compression and Tension.
On request is possible tu have the transducers complete of ACCREDIA Certificate.

Designing and production of straingauge pressure transducers with ranges from 100 mbar up to 2500 bar
With amplified or non-amplified output.
Precision classes from 1.0% up to 0.05%.
high reliability.
With amplified or non-amplified output.
Precision classes from 1.0% up to 0.05%.
high reliability.

AEP transducers Metrological laboratory, a calibration centre for FORCE, PRESSURE and TORQUE, is a member of SIT, “Italian Calibration Service” since 1996, issuing over 25.000 certificates acknowledged by the countries that signed the multilateral agreement of EA and ILAC.
From 2010, continues its activities as a calibration laboratory acredited by ACCREDIA (LAT N° 093).
From 2010, continues its activities as a calibration laboratory acredited by ACCREDIA (LAT N° 093).
La AEP transducers vanta una presenza consolidata sul mercato per la progettazione, produzione e vendita di Celle di carico, Trasduttori di Forza, Torsiometri, Trasduttori di Spostamento, Trasduttori e trasmettitori di Pressione, Manometri digitali, Dinamometri, Strumentazione elettronica e Software applicativi.
Forte di oltre 40 anni di esperienza nel settore delle misure di peso, forza, pressione, coppia e spostamento, oggi i suoi prodotti sono ormai sinonimi di qualità e affidabilità al 100%.
Forte di oltre 40 anni di esperienza nel settore delle misure di peso, forza, pressione, coppia e spostamento, oggi i suoi prodotti sono ormai sinonimi di qualità e affidabilità al 100%.
Our products
AEP transducers boasts a consolidated presence on the market for the design, production and sale of Load cells, Force transducers, Torque transducers, Displacement transducers, Pressure transducers, Pressure gauges, Dynamometers, Instruments e Software applications.