Pressure transducers for RELATIVE and ABSOLUTE measures Nominal pressures from 10 bar to 700 bar Linearity and hysteresis 0,20% TP1 standard output 2mV/V TP1A amplified ouput 0,5-5,5 Volt

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The pressure transmitters of this series are characterized by high reliability and long-term stability.
High mechanical strength, suitable for dynamic applications
The sensitive part in contact with pressure, is entirely made of 17-4 PH stainless steel resistant to corrosion
Protection class IP67
Process coupling 1/4″ GAS Female
Connector standard M12


Calibration Report

ACCREDIA certificate


Data sheet TP1
CE certificate
EAC certificate
MOCA certificate

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    NEW PERFORMANCES “THE EVOLUTION OF THE SPECIES” : after more than 30 years of service in the various versions the new MP2Plus is born. MP2Plus is a Professional Digital Indicator with (standard)or 2 (option) inputs, suitable for receiving signals from strain gauge sensors, transmitters with voltage or current output, PT100, potentiometer, ENCODER and LVDT. Particularly suitable for both static and dynamic applications, for calibration and verification in metrology laboratories or industrial environments where it is necessary to make measurements of WEIGHT, FORCE, PRESSURE, TORQUE, DISPLACEMENTS, ANGLE, SPEED and TEMPERATURE. To FIT EVERY APPLICATION the instrument can be configured and customized:  the function keys F1, F2, F3 and F4 can be programmed for the function of interest such as: PEAK, HOLD, RELEASE, TX DATA DATALOG, DISCHARGE, ZOOM. Each input channels can be supplied in 7 different configurations:

    • ±2mV/V, ±3mV/V
    • 4-20mA, 0-20mA
    • ±10V, ±5V
    • PT100
    • LVDT

    On request FIELDBUS communication selectable among : DeviceNet, CANopen, EtherNet/IP, PROFIBUS, PROFINET to be connected inside a standard PLC network. NEW COUNTING function

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  • TA2USB



    The transmitter makes simple and economical the transmission of data coming from up to 2 load cells, transducers or potentiometers to a PC. TA2USB has a maximum resolution of ±50.000 divisions and transmits the data directly on-line USB 2.0. It is a very simple but complete instrument as it is self powered directly from the USB line and is ideal as acquisition system connected to a PC. The transmitter is controlled by a microcontroller that processes the data sampled by two 24bit ADC converters (one for each channels) at a frequency from 5 to 4800Hz. The instrument continuously transmits the value in divisions according to a protocol highly optimized and easy to implement and allows to get in real-time all the internal acquisition data. Accuracy 0,010%

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  • TDA



    The digital transmitter TDA is an instrument designed for the processing of signals from strain gauges in full bridge configuration with 4 or 6 wires and is able to interface with most of the main common field buses such as Modbus RTU, CANopen, DeviceNet and Profibus. For the fieldbus CANopen, Devicenet and Profibus the electronic is galvanically isolated. Besides the selected fieldbus, it has a RS232 serial interface with a communication program already SUPPLIED (WinTDA), allows a fast tool to control the effectiveness of the performance of the transmitter and allows to implement the calibration procedures. Outputi: RS232C  RS485 ModBus – CanOpen – DeviceNet – ProfiBus

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