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transducers AEP transducers
Jan 21

Thanks to various studies and advances in the field of technology, for some time now we have had different types of transducers available. Today we are talking about force, displacement and pressure transducers. What are their characteristics?

A brief introduction to these interesting devices

Before going into detail, it is useful to say that a transducer is a particular device capable of converting a given physical quantity into another. In practice, it receives an input signal and proposes another at the output. Some transducers are also capable of transforming one type of energy into another.

Characteristics of force transducers

Force transducers are sensors that transmit the force itself in a different magnitude or change only some of its characteristics. They are used in various sectors, both in industry and in more common applications. There are basically two types of force transducers: homogeneous force transducers and non-homogeneous force transducers, also called “hybrids”.

Pressure and displacement transducers fall into the category of force sensors. This is because pressure is defined as a force per unit area.

KAL - trasduttori di forza

Displacement transducers

Displacement transducers are also called “displacement sensors”. They prove to be instruments which ensure that the results of calculations in certain areas of research and development are correct. All transducers of this type operate on the principle of inductive measurement.

They are easy to use, compact and robust, and offer high levels of accuracy. They also tend to wear out slowly. A displacement sensor can be used for a variety of purposes: from high-precision measurements in the micrometre range to simple monitoring in production.

LDH - trasduttori di spostamento

Pressure transducers

A pressure transducer converts the pressure it receives as input into an analogue electrical signal. This conversion is triggered by the deformation of the strain gauges inside the device. In practice, the applied pressure deforms the strain gauge, which then changes its electrical resistance in proportion to the pressure. Again, these are instruments that, if chosen carefully, operate independently, functionally and accurately, and can last a long time.

trasduttore di pressione differenziale - DF2R

What is the ideal transducer? AEP transducers solutions

Choosing the right transducer for your business may not be as simple as it may seem at first glance. That’s why we at AEP transducers stand by our customers and offer comprehensive and personalised support. Thanks to our many years of experience, we guarantee the design and manufacture of quality, tested and certified transducers.

We offer a wide range of force, displacement and pressure transducers. Our solutions are reliable, functional, efficient and durable. With this in mind, we invite you to put us to the test. Contact us as soon as possible for more information and advice tailored to your needs and preferences.

Certified quality

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Calibration Centre